Show Judge:
Mr. John Hutton, Lee, NH
Please send all correspondence to:
Ramona Chessman
236 Pleasant Valley Road
Lancaster, NH 03584
(603) 381-0362
Register Here!

Friday, August 30, 2024
All exhibitors with entries received before August 20th will receive two (2) one day passes per horse entered, with a maximum of four (4) passes, upon entrance to the Fair Grounds with their animals. All post entry exhibitors will have to pay admission to the fairgrounds with no reimbursements given. All exhibitors must enter through the Green Gate on Stockwell Road. No refund of entry fees except in the case of bona fide injury to animal or exhibitor, or irreparable damage to equipment. All Exhibitors must send in with their entries a Certificate of insurance of $300,000 and must be in the hands of the secretary BEFORE premiums are paid. Ambulance, Food, and Water are available on grounds. Management reserves the right to cancel, combine, or divide classes as entries warrant. Premium money will be mailed within two weeks after the show.
By New Hampshire State Law, all out of state horses, except nursing foals, must have a Negative Coggins Test that is less than six months old. ALL HORSES ENTERING THE FAIRGROUNDS MUST HAVE A CURRENT RABIES VACCINATION. PLEASE HAVE COGGINS PAPERS AND RABIES CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE GATE.
1. Obstacle Course – Team Hitches
1st-$100.00; 2nd-$75.00; 3rd-$50.00; 4th-$45.00; 5th-$40.00; 6th-$35.00; 7th-$30.00
2. Obstacle Course – Logging Scoot
1st-$100.00; 2nd-$75.00; 3rd-$50.00; 4th-$45.00; 5th-$40.00; 6th-$35.00; 7th-$30.00
3. Single Horse/Pony Obstacle (1 entry per team)
1st-$100.00; 2nd-$75.00; 3rd-$50.00; 4th-$45.00; 5th-$40.00; 6th-$35.00; 7th-$30.00
4. John Hutton Mystery Class
1st-$100.00; 2nd-$75.00; 3rd-$50.00; 4th-$45.00; 5th-$40.00; 6th-$35.00; 7th-$30.00
5. Youth:
Draft Horse or Pony Team , Junior Exhibitor, 17 years old and under (as of January 1, 2024) to drive.
Contestants will enter all 4 classes at the end following the regular contestants. Same rules apply, manners to be emphasized. One Adult passenger required. Youth will be pinned at the end of the day with best accumulated score receiving first place.
1st-$100.00; 2nd-$75.00; 3rd-$50.00; 4th-$45.00; 5th-$40.00; 6th-$35.00; 7th-$30.00
All Exhibitors housing their Horses/Ponies in the Draft Horse Barn or Pony Tent will provide a barrier behind their animals which must be maintained while the animal is in this area. All Exhibitors must send in with their entries a Certificate of Insurance of $300,000 and must be in the hands of the secretary BEFORE premiums are paid.