Linda Hutchins,  – 603 788-4681

Please Note: All Departments must be in place by Sunday, August 24th at 8:00 pm for Judging on Monday, August 25th and Tuesday, August 26th.

Articles for Entries will be accepted Saturday, August 23rd from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, August 24th from 12 Noon-8:00 pm. All Judging will take place on Monday, August 26th and Tuesday, August 27th.

One Exhibitor per entry per lot unless otherwise specified

All Entry Forms Close on August 19th.

Entries must remain in place until 5:00 pm on Monday, Sept. 1st and must be removed by Tuesday, Sept 2nd by 2:00 pm. The Fair is not responsible for items left after 2:00 pm on Sept. 2nd.  Entries removed prior to 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 1st relinquish all prizes and ribbons associated with entries.


Receive 2 FREE 1 day passes for this years Lancaster Fair, when you exhibit items in the Arts and Crafts hall, and acquire 75 or more points.  An exhibitor’s pass will be given to an exhibitor acquiring 200 or more points.

Points are awarded in the following manner:
Blue Ribbon (first place) 25 points
Red Ribbon (second place) 20 points
Yellow Ribbon (third place) 15 points
Entry Blank On Line 10 points
New Exhibitor 5 points
Successive Exhibitor 10 points

Judges Choice 25 points

Exhibits will be judged on Monday and Tuesday before the fair opens, so be sure to include your telephone number, and we will contact you if you achieve the 75 or more points for your FREE passes.


1. Two or fewer entries in any variety of potted plants, cut-flowers, or arrangement are considered “no competition” and a first premium will be given ONLY if entry exhibits real merit. Generally, second premium will be the high award in such cases.
2. To make cut flowers and arrangements last longer, they should by cut at least 12 hours prior to use and conditioned as follows: Make a fresh cut of the stem and remove foliage below water line. Place flowers into a container of “warm” water to which a small amount of sugar (one tablespoon per gallon) has been added.
3. Commercial gardeners are deemed to be those persons who raise flowers for sale either wholesale or retail primarily as gainful occupation or grow or have grown for them flowers to be used in any manner whatsoever in the pursuit of a gainful occupation or who are engaged in the occupation of growing flowers as an agent or employee for a person, firm or corporation. Persons making casual sales of home grown plants or flowers are excepted from this category.
4. All varieties of plants or flowers exhibited for premiums must have the species name legibly and correctly written on entry tag.
5. Plants in pots entered for prizes must show skillful culture in the profusion of bloom and symmetry and vigor of specimens.


Class 1. Potted Plants
All recognized varieties from the list below can be entered but must be grown by exhibitor and correctly named on a tag to be placed with the plant. Points considered in judging: Shape, distinctiveness, perfection for growth or foliage and bloom. Any plant found to be harboring insects or showing signs of any virus, disease, or scale will be disqualified and removed from exhibition immediately.
Not open to professional florists. Plants must have been grown by exhibitor  for at least six months and correctly identified.

Please delineate on tag on exhibit the source of the entry.

1. African Violet
2. African Violet, Miniature
3. Allium
4. Persian Violet
5. Aloe
6. Antherium
7. Arrowhead /Nephthytis
8. Aralia
9. Avocado
10. Baby’s Tears
11. Begonia
12. Begonia, Tuberous Rooted
13. Begonia, Strawberry
14. Bonsai
15. Bridal Veil or Wreath
16. Bromelaids
17. Cactus Collection (3)
18. Cactus, Prickly Type
19. Cactus Zygo, (Christmas or Thanksgiving)
20. Cereus, Night Blooming
21. Century Plant
22. Coleus
23. Croton
24. Creeping Charlie or pilea
25. Crown of Thorns
26. Chinese Evergreen/agleonemia
27. Dieffenbachia
28. Donkey/Burro’s Tail
29. Dracena
30. Epicia
31. Fern, Asparagus
32. Fern, Boston
33. Fern, Boston, Fluffy Ruffles
34. Fern, any other
35. Fern, Rabbit’s Foot
36. Ficus
37. Flowering Maple/Abutilon
38. Fruit Tree
39. Fuschia
40. Gardenia
41. Geranium
42. Geranium, Ivy
43. Geranium, Strawberry
44. Ginger
45. Gloxinia
46. Grower’s Choice
47. Hibiscus
48. Hoya
49. Impatiens
50. Ivy
51. Jade
52. Kalanchoe
53. Lantana
54. Prayer Plant(Maranta)
55. Moses in the Cradle
56. Mother of Millions
57. Mimosa (Sensitive Plant)
58. Nepthytus
59. Norfolk Island Pine
60. Orchid—any variety
61. Oxalis
62. Palm Upright
63. Palm, Pony Tail
64. Pepperomia
65. Philodendron
66. Polka Dot
67. Pothos
68. Purple Passion
69. Pyrocanthus
70. Miniature Rose
71. Rosary Vine
72. Sanseveria
73. Scheffeleria
74. Sedeum Collection
75. Spathyphyllum
76. Spider Plant
77. Succulent
78. Tradiscanthia
79. String of Hearts
80. Ti Plant
81. Velvet Plant, Tradiscantia
82. Zebra Plant
83. Other

1st-$2.00; 2nd-$1.50; 3rd-$1.00

Class 2. Specimens of Annual Cut Flowers
All recognized varieties are eligible but must be correctly named on entry tag. “Specimens of Woody Plants and Shrubs are not annuals and will be disqualified.” Three specimens or three stems constitute an entry. Points considered in judging cut flowers are: uniform specimens, color, size, stem, scent. An exhibitor may not enter more than one exhibit in each lot. List each variety numerically by class. No foliage should appear below container neck or water line. Place specimens in a clear glass container of appropriate heighth and width for specimens entered. NO PLASTIC OR PAPER CONTAINERS. Not open to commercial gardeners. Flowers must have been grown by exhibitor. Dead blooms will be disposed of. All specimens must have three (3) stems of the same variety, tied loosely together with string or raffia.

Please delineate on tag on exhibit source of entry.
1. Ageratum
2. Alyssum
3. Amaranthus
4. Asters
5. Baby’s Breath, gypsophillia, annual
6. Bachelor Buttons
7. Bells of Ireland
8. Blue Flax
9. Calendula
10. Candytuft
11. Celosia
12. Chrysanthemum
13. Clarkia
14. Cleome, Spider Flower
15. Cosmos
16. Dahlia
17. Dahlia, Dinner Plate 10″
18. Daisy, Gerbera
19. Dianthus
20. Four O’Clocks
21. Gladiolus
22. Helichrysum, Strawflower
23. Heliotrope
24. Larkspur
25. Lavatera (Annual)
26. Lisianthus
27. Lobelia, Annual Creeping
28. Marigold,Large Flower
29. Marigold, Small Flower
30. Nasturtium
31. Nicotiana
32. Nigella (flowers, not pods)
33. Pansies
34. Petunia
35. Poppy
36. Portulaca
37. Salpiglossis
38. Salvia
39. Scarlet Runner
40. Snapdragon, Bean
41. Statice
42. Stock

43. Sunflower, Helianthus
44. Sweet Peas, Annual
45. Thunbergia
46. Tithonia
47. Torenia
48. Verbena
49. Xeranthemum
50. Zinnia
51. Other

1st-$2.00; 2nd-$1.50; 3rd-$1.00

Class 3. Specimens of Perennial  Please delineate on tag on exhibit source of entry.

All recognized varieties are eligible but must be correctly named on entry tag. “Specimens of Woody Plants and Shrubs are not annuals and will be disqualified.” Three specimens or three stems constitute an entry. Points considered in judging cut flowers are: uniform specimens, color, size, stem, scent. An exhibitor may not enter more than one exhibit in each lot. List each variety numerically by class. No foliage should appear below container neck or water line. Place specimens in a clear glass container of appropriate heighth and width for specimens entered. NO PLASTIC OR PAPER CONTAINERS.Not open to commercial gardeners. Flowers must have been grown by exhibitor. Dead blooms will be disposed of. All specimens must have three (3) stems of the same variety, tied loosely together with string or raffia.
Cut Flowers (three stems of each perennial)
1. Achillea
2. Aconitum, Monkshood
3. Asclepias, Butterflyweed
4. Aster, Hardy Perennial
5. Astilbe
6. Baby’s Breath, Perennial
7. Batchelor Buttons, Perenial
8. Campanula, Canterbury Bells
9. Catanache, Cupid’s Dart
10. Coreopsis
11. Daisy, Marguerite
12. Day Lily
13. Delphinium
14. Dicentra, Bleeding Heart
15. Digitalis, Foxglove
16. Echinacae, Purple Coneflower
17. Echinops, Globe Thistle
18. Gaillardia
19. Golden Glow
20. Hollyhocks
21. Lavatera, Perennial
22. Liatris
23. Lily
24. Lobelia, Cardinalis
25. Monarda/Bee Balm
26. Phlox
27. Phsysostegia, Obedient Plant
28. Platycodon, Balloon Flower
29. Rudbeckia, Gloriosa Daisy
30. Scabiosa
31. Seedum
32. Sweet Peas, Perennial
33. Shasta Daisy
34. Veronica
35. Viola
36. Other

1st-$2.00; 2nd-$1.50; 3rd-$1.00

Class 4.Arrangement of Cut Flowers And Container
Includes baskets, vases, or bowls of cut flowers and any type of bouquet in container of any suitable material. Flowering shrubs, foliage and berries may be used in arrangement. Points considered in judging arrangements: distinction, relationship of flowers and container, color, harmony, proportion, perfection of arrangement amd creativity. 50% commercially grown flowers allowed.
Table Arrangement
(Not open to professional florists.)
1. Garden Flowers
3. Dried Flowers
4. Tea Table arrangement
5. Miniature flower arrangement collection—three (3) or more containers that do not exceed 3” in total height, including flowers.

1st-$6.00; 2nd-$5.00; 3rd-$4.00

Class 5. Floor Arrangement
(Not open to professional florists.)
1. Garden Flowers
3. Dried Flowers
4. Arrangement featuring Cat Tails

1st-$6.00; 2nd-$5.00; 3rd-$4.00

Class 6. Window Boxes or Patio Containers-maximum size—30”
(Not open to professional florists.)
1. Window Box
2. Patio Container
3. Hanging Basket

1st-$5.00; 2nd-$4.00; 3rd-$3.00

Class 7. Dish Garden
Container should not exceed 10” in width and be no more than 6” deep.(Not open to professional florists.)

1st-$5.00; 2nd-$3.00; 3rd-$2.00

Class 8. Decorated Wreaths — any type
1. Dried flowers
2. Live plants
3. Herbs and/or vegetables
4. Fresh flowers

1st-$10.00; 2nd-$7.00; 3rd-$5.00

Class 9. Terrarium (enclosed container)
Lot 1. Desert Plants, Cactus, and/or Succulents
Lot 2. Moisture-loving plants.
(Not open to professional florists.)

1st-$5.00; 2nd-$3.00; 3rd-$2.00

Judge may withhold prizes for insufficient merit and remove from public view any entry or part thereof which, in his/her opinion, discredits the exhibition

Sandra Yunghans, Director
Tel: 603/788-3519