Please Note: All Departments must be in place by Sunday, August 24th at 8:00pm for Judging on Monday, August 25th and Tuesday, August 26th.

Articles for Entries will be accepted Saturday, August 23rd from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, August 24th from 12 Noon-8:00 pm.  All Judging will take place on Monday, August 25th and Tuesday, August 26th.

One Exhibitor per entry per lot unless otherwise specified.

All Entry Forms Close on August 19th.

Entries must remain in place until 5:00 pm on Monday, Sept. 1st and must be removed by Tuesday, Sept. 2nd by 2:00 pm. The Fair is not responsible for items left after 2:00 pm on Sept. 2nd.  Entries removed prior to 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 1st relinquish all prizes  and  ribbons associated with entries.

Linda Hutchins, Superintendent 603 788-4681 riffsflower@ncia.net


Receive 2 FREE 1 day passes for this years Lancaster Fair, when you exhibit items in the Arts and Crafts hall, and acquire 75 or more points.  An exhibitor’s pass will be given to an exhibitor acquiring 200 or more points.

Points are awarded in the following manner:
Blue Ribbon (first place) 25 points
Red Ribbon (second place) 20 points
Yellow Ribbon (third place) 15 points
Entry Blank On Line 10 points
New Exhibitor 5 points
Successive Exhibitor 10 points

Judges Choice 25 points

Exhibits will be judged on Monday and Tuesday before the fair opens, so be sure to include your telephone number, and we will contact you if you achieve the 75 or more points for your FREE passes.


  1. All fruits, vegetables, and grains offered for prizes must have been grown by the exhibitors.
    2. After articles are entered, they will be under the exclusive charge of the fair until the exhibition is closed.
    3. No fruits, vegetables, or grains will be entitled to a prize or gratuity unless they possess points of superiority and are properly identified.
    4. No award will be made to unworthy objects even though they be the only ones on exhibition.
    5. All fruits and vegetables offered for premiums must be correctly named. Only one entry is allowed per person in each lot unless otherwise specified.
    6. No person can compete for more than one prize with the same variety or varieties.
    7. Specimens or vegetables must be well grown.
    8. Exhibits must be placed by 8:00 PM Sunday, August 24th.
    9. Produce will be disposed of when it becomes spoiled or moldy.

Class 101. Exhibit of Fruit
Best exhibit of fruit grown by exhibitor. Not less than five or more than ten varieties. May be a combination of apples, pears, peaches, plums, grapes, berries or crabapples.
1st-$10.00; 2nd-$8.00; 3rd-$6.00

(Five to a plate – grown by exhibitor)
201. Alexander Apple
202. Cortland Apple
203. Dutchess of Oldenburg Apple
204. Early McIntosh Apple
205. Haroldson Apple
206. Lodi Apple
207. McIntosh Apple
208. Macoun Apple
209. Paula Red Apple
210. Peach Apple
211. Puritan Apple
212. Yellow Transparent Apple
213. Crabapples (1 pt.)
214. Any Cherries (1 pt.)
215. Seckel Pears (5)
216. Vermont Beauty Pears (5)
217. Any other identified variety fruit

1st-$3.00; 2nd-$2.00; 3rd-$1.00

Berries — All Berries must be displayed in a container with a cover.
301. High Bush Cranberries
302. Blueberries—High bush
303. Blueberries—Wild
304. Raspberries
305. Blackberries

1st-$2.00; 2nd-$1.50; 3rd-$1.00

Vegetables (Other than potatoes)
How to prepare exhibits:
Vegetables must conform to the list and be grown by exhibitor.
Vegetables must be clean, free from injury and disease and conform to variety.
Beets, carrots and onions should be exhibited with 1 and 1/4-inch to 1 and 1/2-inch of top remaining. Do not remove roots but wash thoroughly. Onions should not be peeled. Expose 1/3 ear of corn.
Vegetables are judged on uniform size, shape, cleanliness, freedom from disease and insect damage. Large size generally denotes over maturity. Number of specimens required after each article.

Please list seed source on tag with entry.

401. Beans, Red Kidney (pt.)
402. Beans, Shell in Pod (10)
403. Beans, Snap Green (10)
404. Beans, Snap Wax (10)
405. Beans, Soldier (pint.)
406. Beets(3)
407. Beets, cylinder(3)
408. Broccoli (1)
409. Brussels Sprouts (pint.)
410. Cabbage, Ball Head (1)
411. Cabbage, Flat Head (1)
412. Cabbage, Pointed Head (1)
413. Cabbage, Red (1)
414. Cabbage, Savoy (1)
415. Cantaloupe or Muskmelon (1)
416. Carrots, Half Long (5)
417. Carrots, Long (5)
418. Carrots, Short (5)
419. Carrots, White
420. Cauliflower (1)
421. Celery (2)
422. Corn, Sweet Gold (3)
423. Corn, Sweet Mixed (3)
424. Corn, Sweet White (3)
425. Cucumbers, Pickling (3)
426. Cucumbers, Ripe (3)
427. Cucumbers, Slicing (3)
428. Cucumbers, Lemon (3)
429. Eggplant (1)
430. Garlic (5)
431. Gourds, large (3)
432. Gourds, decorative (3)
433. Kohlrabi (3)
434. Lettuce, Firm Head (1)
435. Lettuce, Loose Head (1)
436. Miniature pumpkins (3)
437. Onions, Pickling (5)
438. Onions, Red (5)
439. Onions, White (5)
440. Onions, Yellow (5)
441. Ornamental corn (3)
442. Ornamental peppers (5)
443. Parsnips (5)
444. Peas, Green (10)
445. Peppers, Green Sweet (3)
446. Peppers, Jalapeno (5)
447. Peppers, Long Red Hot (3)
448. Peppers, Long Yellow Mildly Hot (3)
449. Peppers, Red Sweet (3)
450. Peppers, Habanero (3)
451. Peppers, Italian Frying
452. Popcorn (3)
453. Popcorn, dried (3)
454. Pumpkin, Field (1)
455. Pumpkin, Pie (1)
456. Squash, Scallop (1)
457. Squash,Summer,Crookneck (3)
458. Squash, Summer, Patty Pan (3)
459. Squash, Summer, Yellow. Smooth skinned (3)
460. Squash, Straight neck (3)
461. Squash, Spaghetti (1)
462. Squash, Zucchini (3)
463. Squash, Zucchini Gold (3)
464. Squash, Acorn (1)
465. Squash, White Acorn (1)
466. Squash, Buttercup (1)
467. Squash, Butternut (1)
468. Squash, Delicata (2)
469. Squash, Delicious (2)
470. Squash, Gold Nugget (1)
471. Squash, Hubbard Blue (1)
472. Squash, Hubbard Gold (1)
473. Squash, Hubbard Green (1)
474. Squash, Sweet Dumpling (2)
475. Squash, Turban (1)
476. Shallots (5)
477. Tomatoes, Plum (5)
478. Tomatoes, Red (3)
479. Tomatoes, Small Fruited (pint.)
480. Turnips, Globe (5)
481. Turnips, Rutabaga (1)
482. Watermelon (1)                                                                                    483. Other

1st-$5.00; 2nd-$4.00; 3rd-$3.00

484. Collection of varieties of same vegetable (e.g. snap green beans, sweet corn, garlic, etc.).  Include 3-5 different varieties

1st-$8.00; 2nd-$6.00; 3rd-$4.00

 Potatoes (5) Must be U.S. #1
“U.S. No. 1” consists of potatoes which meet the following requirements:
Size. Not less than 1-7/8 inches in diameter
Firm; clean (and) well shaped
Free from Soft rot and wet breakdown
Free from damage by any other cause.

Please list seed source on tag with entry.

501. Cobbler Potato
502. Green Mountain Potato
503. Katahdin Potato
504. Kennebec Potato
505. Dark Red Norland Potato
506. Russet—Burbank Potato
507. Russet—Nakotah Potato
508. Purple Potato
509. Red Pontiac Potato
510. Russian Fingerling Potato
511. Superior Potato
512. Any Blue Potato
513. Yellow/Gold Potato                                                                              514. Other Potato

1st-$8.00; 2nd-$6.00; 3rd-$4.00

 Vegetable Garden Display
Class 601. Experienced Gardener – Best display from home garden by farmer or experienced gardener. Not fewer than five varieties nor more than ten. Each exhibit limited to approximately 6 square feet.
Class 602. Novice Gardener – Same rules as experienced gardener. (Vegetables in both classes to be grown by exhibitor. The varieties will consist of the same number as individual classes. After competing three years in Lot 2, exhibitor must exhibit in Lot 1.)

1st-$15.00; 2nd-$10.00; 3rd-$8.00

(Note Herbs are now under Dept. Q listing)


Class 701. Adult’s Container of Favorite Veggies
Creativity Counts (Students thru Seniors)
Container should be not larger than
18” across. A minimum of 5 different vegetable varieties with at least 2 of each variety. Should be attractively arranged. All veggies used must be grown by the exhibitor.

1st-$10.00; 2nd-$7.00; 3rd-$5.00

Centerpiece or Wreath
Class 801 Fruits, Vegetables and/or Flowers in a Centerpiece
Class 802 Fruits, Vegetables and/or Flowers in a Wreath

1st-$5.00; 2nd-$4.00; 3rd-$ 3.00

Judge may withhold prizes for insufficient merit and remove from public view any entry or part thereof which, in his/her opinion, discredits the exhibition

Sandra Yunghans, Director
Tel: 603/788-3519