Please Note: All  Departments must be in place by Sunday, August 24th at 8:00pm for Judging on Monday, August 25th and Tuesday, August 26th.

Articles for Entries will be accepted Saturday, August 23rd from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, August 24th from 12 Noon-8:00 pm. All Judging will take place on Monday, August 25th and  Tuesday, August 26th.

One Exhibitor per entry per lot unless otherwise specified.

All Entry Forms Close on August 19th.

Entries must remain in place until 5:00 pm on Monday, Sept. 1st and must be removed by Tuesday, Sept. 2nd by 2:00 pm. The Fair is not responsible for items left after 2:00 pm on Sept. 2nd.  Entries removed prior to 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 1st relinquish all prizes and ribbons associated with entries.


Receive 2 FREE 1 day passes for this years Lancaster Fair, when you exhibit items in the Arts and Crafts hall, and acquire 75 or more points.  An exhibitor’s pass will be given to an exhibitor acquiring 200 or more points.

Points are awarded in the following manner:
Blue Ribbon (first place) 25 points
Red Ribbon (second place) 20 points
Yellow Ribbon (third place) 15 points
Entry Blank On Line 10 points
New Exhibitor 5 points
Successive Exhibitor 10 points

Judges Choice 25 points

Exhibits will be judged on Monday and Tuesday before the fair opens, so be sure to include your telephone number, and we will contact you if you achieve the 75 or more points for your FREE passes.

General Rules and Regulations
Only products in sections listed will be accepted for premiums. (No special sections will be formed to accommodate any person’s special products.) All canned goods must be this year’s products. Uniformity of size, shape and color of containers is an item for consideration in connection with quality of product in collections.
Entries in this department must conform to printed list. 
Only standard canning jars(pints or quarts) with 2-piece metal lids will be judged. All jars must be sealed. Only One entry per lot unless otherwise specified.  Collections must be displayed in a basket or gift box. All jars must be labeled with date produced and product name.


Class 101 Canned Fruits
Best collection of 4 jars of 4 varieties of fruit.

Class 102 Canned Vegetables
Best collection of 4 jars of 4 varieties of vegetables.

Class 103 Pickles (Collection)
Best collection of 4 jars of 4 varieties of pickles.

Class 104 Relishes
Best collection of 4 jars of 4 varieties of Relishes.

Class 105 Jam and Jellies (Collection)
Best collection of 4 jars of 4 varieties of jams and jellies properly labeled in standard jelly jars.

1st-$10.00; 2nd-$7.00; 3rd-$5.00

 Single Jars.

(Only those listed will be judged)

201. Beet Pickle

202. Bread and Butter Pickle

203. Dill Pickle

204. Gherkin Pickle

205. Golden Glow Pickle

206. Mustard Pickle

207. Thousand Island Pickle

208. Other Pickle 

209.  Beet Relish

210. Corn Relish

211. Piccalilli

212. Pepper Relish

213. Tomato Relish

214. Bean Relish

215. Zucchini Relish

216. Other Relish

217. Any Chutney   

218. Tomato based sauce/salsa 

219.  Jam or Jelly (specify type) – may enter more than one entry.

220. Any Fruit Sauce(specify type)

1st-$4.00; 2nd-$3.00; 3rd-$2.00

Judge may withhold prizes for insufficient merit and remove from public view any entry or part thereof which, in his/her opinion, discredits the exhibition

Sandra Yunghans, Director
Tel: 603/788-3519
