- Exhibitors may enter any or all classes by submitting only one entry in each.
- Trees should be 6 to 9 feet in height. Height to be measured from the butt (bottom of the handle) to the tip of the leader. (Handle should be between 6” and 9” in length.)
- Trees will be judged on:
- Foliage-density, insect and disease damage, freshness.
- Handle-condition and length.
- Taper 40-70% for Spruce and Fir, 40-90% for Pine.
- Top-condition and length (should be consistent with symmetry of tree).
- Number of faces.
- Overall merchantability of tree.
- All wreaths should be of natural conifer greens and constructed on a 12” ring. Any combination of greens is permitted.
- Undecorated wreaths will be judged for their construction while decorated wreaths will be additionally judged for the type of decorations and arrangement.
- Trees and wreaths should be brought to the Fair Grounds no later than Sunday night (August 24) by 8p.m. Send Entries to:
Sandra Yunghans
58 Garland Road
Lancaster, NH 03584
Sheared Trees
Any tree showing visible signs of shearing or clipping will be judged in the section.
Class 001 Sheared Tree-Spruce
Class 002. Sheared Tree-Fir
Class 003. Sheared Tree-Pine
1st – $50.00; 2nd – $35.00; 3rd – $30.00; 4th – $25.00.
Christmas Wreaths
Class 011. – Undecorated Christmas Wreaths:
1st – $10.00; 2nd – $9.00; 3rd – $8.00; 4th – $7.00.
Class 012. – Decorated Christmas Wreaths:
1st – $15.00; 2nd – $13.00; 3rd – $11.00; 4th – $10.00.
Exhibitors may display name and location of Christmas farm AFTER completion of judging at exhibit with appropriate sign not to exceed six inches by 12 inches.
Judges may withhold prizes for insufficient merit and judges or superintendent may remove from public view any entry, or part thereof, which, in their opinion, discredits the exhibition.
Sandra Yunghans, Director
58 Garland Road
Lancaster, NH 03584